

2018-04-04 钱币术语

Protective steps that you can take to protect the philatelic value of stamps and art from the environmental effects of temperature, humidity, and pollutants:

  1. When storing and displaying your stamp collecting albums, if given a choice of low humidity and high temperature, or high humidity and low temperature, generally the latter is preferred.低温高湿要比高温低湿更利于纸质收藏品的保存。

  2. Similarly, maintain a stable relative humidity, which will reduce repeated de/absorption of water vapors, which over time can also destroy your collectable stamps.尽可能减少湿度变化,可减少水分子运动对藏品造成的损害。

  3. Do not attempt to maintain a very low, or no, humidity environment. By doing so, hydrolysis susceptible items (eg. your united states postage stamps) can dry to the point of becoming brittle to the touch.超低湿度会造成纸质收藏品质地脆弱。

  4. Maintain the stability of the temperature that your philatelic and stamp items are stored and displayed in; by doing so, temperature induced contraction and expansion of your old postage stamps will be reduced, which will in turn reduce the mechanical stresses and strains that will eventually rip your philatelic collection apart.尽可能减少温度变化,可减少纸质收藏品本身因热胀冷缩而遭受的物理损害。

  5. For paper based philatelic collections many museums try to maintain a stable temperature of about 68 degree F, and depending on the season, a relative humidity between 30-55 RH.博物馆级别建议理想的温湿度为20摄氏度,湿度30-55RH

  6. Lastly, the above suggestions have been formulated in the context of collections that are susceptible to hydrolysis (i.e. paper, stamps, art, prints, etc.). The effects of temperature, relative humidity, and pollutants become much more extreme and difficult to predict and, thus, more important to control, particularly when considered in the context of use with other stamp collecting supplies 使用理想的护邮用品来保护藏品
